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Boost your Sales 3X with WhatsApp Commerce

Engage with new customers where they are most active and get the highest response.

Our Featured Customers

Sell More on WhatsApp

Leverage WhatsApp to acquire new customers. Create and run Whatsapp campaigns to reach your potential customers and drive conversions.

WhatsApp Sell
WhatsApp Sell
Heat Maps
Heat Maps

WhatsApp Campaigns

Reach out to your customers on Whatsapp and increase conversions. Make customers aware of your business and retarget customers with personalized messages & discount offers.

Automate FAQs & Alerts

Create automated replies for different customer queries. Set automated alerts for COD confirmations, abandoned carts, & discount offers.

Automate FAQs
Automate FAQs
Upsell and Cross-sell
Upsell and Cross-sell

Upsell and Cross-sell

Target customers who have already purchased from you with Whatsapp marketing. Retarget them with discounts & offers to encourage repeat purchases.

Omni-channel Support

Reply to customer queries from WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, & Gmail from one platform. Reduce your first response time & improve customer journey.

Highly recommended to improve your CSAT score.

Omni Channel Support
Omni Channel Support

Powerful Features for Growing eCommerce Brands

Choose a plan that’s right for you!
For a customized pricing plan connect with our sales team.

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WhatsApp is a great communication channel for marketing. You can do marketing on WhatsApp by sending messages to your target customers. With Webmaxy eGrowth, you can create message templates and run WhatsApp Campaigns. You can create different segments of customers based on their activity, recent purchase, or buying journey stage. Then, you can create personalized messages to target those customers effectively.

Whatsapp commerce

For starting with Webmaxy Whatsapp commerce, you need to create an account on Webmaxy eGrowth. Then, you need to connect your Whatsapp business account with Webmaxy. Once you have integrated your Whatsapp account with Webmaxy, you can start creating automated workflows. You can set up workflows for order confirmation, abandoned cart customers, repeat customers, etc.

Whatsapp marketing allows businesses to stay connected with customers. More than half of Whatsapp users check and use the app every day. With Whatsapp marketing, businesses can reach out to customers, give personalized offers, and improve customer service. It also provides a new touchpoint to the customers where they can connect with businesses for any queries or questions.

WhatsApp marketing is effective as it has a 98% message open rate and a 45-60% Click-through-Rate. This is much better than Email, which is the most used marketing channel. As per statistics, the average response time of WhatsApp is 90 seconds. From this information, you can understand that WhatsApp is one of the most effective marketing channels.
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Lets Connect

WhatsApp Commerce of Webmaxy eGrowth can help you reach, engage, convert, and retarget customers. You can improve your customer experience and turn them into loyal customers. Boost your conversions with Webmaxy eGrowth!