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Improve Your eCommerce Revenue by 3X

Make data-driven decisions and drive better results.

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AI-Driven Marketing Insights

Track AI Powered Visitor Action in Multiple Attribution

Get accurate and detailed marketing insights about your online store. Know the conversion and revenue contribution of your organic and paid marketing channels.  

AI-Driven Marketing Insights
Survey & Polls
Customer Segmentation
Survey & Polls

Customer Segmentation

Sell More with Hyper Personalized and Targeted Segmentation

Segment your target customers into different lists based on their recent activity, engagement, last purchase, etc. Personalize your marketing campaigns to target customers effectively.

Marketing Workflow

Make Smart Campaigns with Easy Workflow

Create workflows with an easy drag & drop feature and decide a course of action that follows your customers’ responses. Automate your SMS, WhatsApp, and Email channels.

AI-Driven Marketing Insights AI-Driven Marketing Insights Marketing Workflow
Marketing Workflow
WhatsApp Commerce
Survey & Polls

WhatsApp Commerce

Sell Fast on WhatsApp without any Hassle

Bring your storefront on WhatsApp and enable greater product discovery and purchase. We streamline the ordering process by providing checkout within WhatsApp.

Omni Channel Support

Improve CSAT Score and get a Higher NPS Score

Reply to customer queries on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Twitter, Email & Gmail from one dashboard. Set automated replies and ensure quick responses to customers.

Highly recommended to improve your CSAT score.

Omni Channel Support
Survey & Polls

Global Integrations

WebMaxy eGrowth can easily integrate with popular eCommerce Platform

Shopify woo-commerce magento
Shopify woo-commerce magento

Powerful Features for Growing eCommerce Brands

Choose a plan that’s right for you!
For a customized pricing plan connect with our sales team.

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WebMaxy eGrowth tool is an all-in-one customer data platform for eCommerce. It can help you analyze your marketing channels' performance and revenue contribution. You can automate your social media marketing and email campaigns. With eGrowth, you can create marketing automation workflows to enhance your customer experience. It can help you create a customer loyalty program that brings more repeat customers and increases the retention rate. The help desk feature enables you to interact with your customers on different platforms from one place. You can also run re-targeting ads to bring back your previous customers.

For an eCommerce business to grow it's important that you reach the right audiences and increase your sales. You need to have a robust strategy in place that brings traffic to your website and converts visitors into customers. There are various ways through which you can grow your eCommerce business such as,
  • By investing in the right marketing channels.
  • Running email marketing campaigns.
  • Setting up a customer loyalty program.
  • Automating your marketing flow with eGrowth.
  • Retargeting your audiences.

Marketing automation can help you conduct your marketing activities without the need for human intervention. You just need to set up workflows that will follow your customer’s specific action. You can set up marketing automation with the help of WebMaxy eGrowth. You can create workflows for different customer activities like product browsing, abandoned carts, first purchase upsell, abandoned checkout, etc. You can automate your marketing for email, Whatsapp, and SMS messaging.

Email marketing is important for an eCommerce brand to reach out to their target customers. They can send targeted and personalized messages to customers to abandoned cart customers to bring them back to their website. They can offer special discounts and coupons to their existing customers to encourage repeat purchases.

Audience segmentation can help you to target your customer base effectively based on their interests, preferences, buying journey, and purchase habits. You can send relevant and personalized messages to build strong customer relationships. Webmaxy eGrowth can enable you to create customer lists and segments. You can create workflows to focus on these customers with SMS, Email, and Whatsapp channels.
Team who Build WebMaxy

Lets Connect

What are you waiting for? Don’t miss out on your chance of gaining a deeper understanding of your customers. Learn what’s working and what’s not in your marketing strategy. Make smart investments based on accurate marketing insights and reports.