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Good customer experience can influence buying upto 87% 

Let your support team reply to your customers from a single dashboard

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Quickly Resolve Customer Concern

Improve your customer satisfaction

Access all customer queries from Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, Twitter, & Gmail in one dashboard. Offer Seamless support to customers across different channels. 

Best Support to Customers
Best Support to Customers
Automate Your Chats
Automate Your Chats

Automated Replies to Customer Query

Customer service 24X7

Automate your customer support chats with pre-set replies and reduce your first response time. Run on autopilot while your support teams carry on meaningful conversations.

Multi-agent Support

Assign queries to different agents

Add multiple customer support representatives in the dashboard. Foster positive customer relationships by offering quick customer support.

Multi-Agent Support
Multi-Agent Support
Omni Channel Support
Omni Channel Support

Improve Net Promoter Score

Know what customers think about your brand

Happy customers tend to promote your brand to their friends and family. Measure NPS to know how satisfied customers are with your brand.


Powerful Features for Growing eCommerce Brands

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You can get started with Omni channel support by integrating your different marketing channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, LinkedIn, and Gmail with Webmaxy eGrowth. After integration, you’ll start receiving customer queries in the Omni channel support dashboard within 24 hours. Then, you can start replying to customers' queries from different marketing channels through one dashboard. You can add multiple customer support representatives and assign them customer queries.

Omni Channel Support can help you communicate with customers on different channels like Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, LinkedIn & Gmail from one dashboard. There are many benefits of using Omnichannel Support that we have mentioned below:
  • Makes communicating with customers easy.
  • Helps you reduce response time.
  • Improves customer experience.
  • Increases support team’s productivity.

Multi-agent Support System is good for growing brands as it helps them to reply to multiple customers' queries at the same time. They can assign customer queries to different customer support agents based on their expertise. This way brands can provide quick resolutions to customer problems and improve their experience.

You can improve the NPS score of your brand by enhancing your customer experience. People tend to promote a brand to their friends and family when they have a consistent good experience with a brand. You can do this by being available to the customers 24x7 and resolving their queries at the earliest. Webmaxy Omni channel support can help you improve your customer experience by reducing your first response time with the multi-agent support system.
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Customer support makes a significant impact on customer experience. Omni Channel Support can help you reduce your response time and provide better customer experiences. Manage customer queries of distinct channels effectively and efficiently.