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Automate Marketing Campaigns and Generate 3X Revenue

Create smart workflows across multiple channels from one platform.

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Easily to Make Marketing Workflows

Create and run marketing workflows in no time

Create marketing workflows with an easy drag & drop feature and decide a course of action that follows. Build simple follow-up campaigns to complex customer journey workflows.

Easily build & customize your workflows Easily build & customize your workflows Easily build & customize your workflows
Easily build & customize your workflows
Hyper Personalized Marketing Hyper Personalized Marketing Hyper Personalized Marketing
Hyper Personalized Marketing

Hyper Personalized Marketing

Send personalized messages for customers’ action

Automatically launch a campaign in real-time when a customer performs a specified activity like visiting a web page or filling in a form, etc. Send them personalized content and lead them to purchase.

Automate Cross-Sell and Upsell Campaigns

Improve repeat purchases

Encourage repeat purchases by sending product recommendations similar to the past purchases of your customers. Make customers come back to you for more.

Automated Cross-Selling  and Re-selling Campaign Automated Cross-Selling  and Re-selling Campaign Automated Cross-Selling  and Re-selling Campaign
Automated Cross-Selling  and Re-selling Campaign
Improved Customer Experience
Improved Customer Experience

Deliver Awesome Customer Experience

Increase customer retention & loyalty

Automate SMS, Email, and Whatsapp campaigns for customers’ actions. Deliver the right marketing messages at the right time to your prospective customers in their buying journey.

Automate Lead Nurturing

Engage customers throughout the buying journey

Automate marketing campaigns in popular platforms like Whatsapp, Email, and SMS. Get a hold on lead nurturing and push your prospects ahead in the conversion funnel. Save time and boost your team’s productivity by automating simple tasks.

Automate lead nurturing
Automate lead nurturing

Powerful Features for Growing Brands

Choose a plan that’s right for you!
For a customized pricing plan connect with our sales team.

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Marketing workflow can help you perform manual and repetitive marketing tasks and save time. This way your marketing teams can utilize their time on other crucial tasks such as content, strategy, and problem-solving. Marketing workflow can help you deliver relevant messages at the right time and target customers effectively.

Marketing workflow can help you automate your marketing activities and push your leads to the end of the funnel. There are many benefits of Marketing workflow such as,
  • Increased efficiency
  • Personalizes the customer journey
  • Effective lead nurturing
  • Aligns marketing & sales team

You can create an abandoned cart workflow by using Marketing workflow. It comes with an easy drag & drop feature that enables you to create an abandoned cart workflow in a graphical chart. You can decide on the marketing channels (Whatsapp, Email, & SMS) from which you want to reach out to your customers. You can determine what messages will be delivered to customers and after how much time period.

eCommerce automation is a technology-driven task that is triggered by an action or non-action of a customer. Marketing workflow enables you to create customer journey workflows. You can decide which customer action will trigger a pre-set marketing workflow. You can set the marketing messages that will be delivered to customers after a specific time period. For example, when a customer sign-up for newsletters, you can automate the welcome email that will be sent to them.

Marketing workflow is the best tool for eCommerce marketing automation. You can automate your SMS, Email, and Whatsapp marketing. You can build marketing workflows that are triggered by specific customer actions. You can create relevant messages that are delivered to customers over a period of time. Marketing workflow can help you enhance your customer experience by sending them the right messages at the right time.
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Lets Connect

Create & automate marketing workflows and enhance your customer experience. Let your teams focus on other important tasks while eGrowth Marketing Workflow takes care of your manual & repetitive tasks. Take a Webmaxy eGrowth demo today!