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5 Ways Tracking User Behavior Can Improve Customer Experience


A commercial website isn’t without its mysteries. What’s affecting the conversion rate? What’s driving users to the competitors? Just what is it that the users want? Sherlock would tell you there’s a straight path to solving these mysteries—tracking user behavior

Tracking user behavior is the integral first step of user behavior analytics (UBA). Collection and assessment of user data can be a big help in improving your website’s customer experience. In the next few minutes, you’ll discover the answers to these crucial questions:

  • How can tracking user behavior improve customer experience?
  • What are the most effective ways of tracking website users’ behavior?
  • Who all can benefit from tracking the users’ behavior and enhancing customer experience?

And plenty more.


5 ways tracking user behavior helps improve customer experience

It improves your understanding of the target consumer

Tracking website users’ behavior is a simple, effective way of identifying their likes and dislikes. It also helps you discover the pages/sections they spent the most (and least) time on. 

Here are some examples of what you can learn by tracking website users’ behavior:

  • Did the buying customers spend more time watching video content or reading product descriptions?
  • At which stage/step did a site visitor abort a purchase?
  • Are there any pages/sections that are confusing to the users?

Once privy to this information, you can:

  • Increase your focus on the users’ preferred content type
  • Identify the reasons for the users leaving your website
  • Eliminate the cause of confusion

Behavior analytics also helps you identify anomalies or issues that might be causing the users to get struck or frustrated. Resolving these can promptly improve customer experience and, added bonus, bring down your website’s churn rate.

It helps in identifying your website’s best and worst performing pages

User behavior analytics reveal the path that users take as they move from one page to another. According to Google, analyzing user engagement by studying the behavior flow helps answer these key questions:

  • Did your site visitors go from a product page to checkout without shopping for more products?
  • Is a particular event triggered ahead of others all the time? Does this event lead site visitors to other events or pages?
  • Which are the most popular paths through your website? Do you want the users to follow these same paths?

These answers will help you pinpoint your website’s most and worst performing pages. You can then utilize this data to improve the rest of the pages and enhance the overall customer experience.

It can help improve your site’s conversion rate

Cart abandonment is a global concern. The global average cart abandonment rate was recorded to be 59.22 percent in November 2021. User analytics can help you minimize cart abandonment and boost conversion rates. 

User analytics measures such as sessions recording and heatmaps help identify the users’ pain points—the reasons that make them abandon cart. 

Lengthy or complex checkout process and payment processing related issues are the most common pain points. Eliminating the pain points directly translates into better customer experience.

Research has revealed that leveraging user behavior analytics can boost sales by up to 85 percent. This can also help businesses outperform their competitors by over 25 percent in gross margin.

3 Best Ways of Tracking User Behavior

1. User behavior survey

Surveys fully-customized to your niche industry, brand voice and target consumer demographics are great for tracking user behavior. An effective survey should have an attractive, intuitive template. In addition, it must include relevant user experience related queries that facilitate thorough evaluation of your website.

User survey tools can do a lot more than just capture users’ feedback. Webmaxy’s survey tool, for instance, helps with user data monitoring and presentation.


2. Session replay

Session replay is essentially the process of seeing through the user’s eyes. It’s a walkthrough presentation that reconstructs the user’s journey. You can watch every click, scroll and mouse movement that happens during a session. 

Webmaxy’s Session Replay tool is immensely useful for website analysis. It can help you identify these issues:

  • Bugs and errors
  • Design and content related issues
  • Security threats
  • Causes of poor conversion

3. Heatmaps

A heatmap is a website analysis technique that allows you to visualize user data as a graph, with values depicted by colors. Variations in the color’s intensity are indicative of the changes in the corresponding value. 

Website heatmaps depict the site’s popular elements as hot and the unpopular ones as cold. This visualization process renders complex data much easier to understand. Webmaxy Heatmaps are ideal for user behavior analysis. They allow you to observe how users interact with the different elements of a web page. They tell you where the users click, where they focus and what they ignore. Utilizing website heatmaps can help you identify user preferences and trends so you can optimize your website accordingly.

WebMaxy helps brands discover user experience with a set of tools like heatmap, visitor analytics, web survey and many more. Sign up with email. Free trials forever.

Tracking user behavior: FAQs

Can improving customer experience by tracking users’ behavior help boost sales?

Definitely. Effectively tracking and analyzing user behavior improves your understanding of the customers’ buying behavior. 
Tracking helps identify patterns such as the users’ preferred products, content types, and their purchase frequency. It also helps discover any challenges that might be preventing the users from completing a purchase. 
Optimizing your website based on these findings will create a better customer experience and boost your sales manifold.

What are some examples of user behaviors you should track?

The users’ experience, the content’s performance, website accessibility and user engagement are some of the most crucial user behavior types. Tracking these can enhance user experience in a big way.

Is improving customer experience advantageous for the B2B industry?

It sure is. There’s a misconception that good customer experience is only beneficial in B2C commerce. In fact, only 14 percent of the world’s B2B companies prioritize user behavior analysis.
Tracking user behavior can help you identify the unique needs of B2B buyers. This will help you stand out from competitors that have a one-size-fits-all model. 
Customer centric approach and better customer experience can help all businesses create a loyal customer base, elevate their brand and boost sales.

Adam Wilson

Adam Wilson comes with an experience of 12+ years in the IT industry. As a Customer Success Manager, he has been researching and trying to understand the customers’ behavior in different scenarios. He has also studied human psychology to relate it to the purchase journey of the customers. His published books on customer psychology and behavior have received many honors and awards from various enterprises.

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