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Create a Customer Journey Map in 2 and ½ days with Webmaxy


A customer journey map is a diagrammatic representation of various stages that a customer goes through while interacting with a business.

By creating a customer journey map for your business you can:

  1. Understand your customer’s pain points better.
  2. Make your business customer-centric.
  3. Attract the right audience to your website.
  4. Improve your product/service.

In this post, we have explained how you can create a customer journey map in two and a half days.

Create a Customer Journey Map in 2 and ½ days

Day 1: Defining goals and collecting data

  1. Decide the scope of the customer journey map that you want to build. Is it narrow or broad? For instance, focusing on the churn from one page is a narrow goal and planning the payment pipeline is a broad objective.
  2. Finalize the data you need to collect to measure the usefulness of the user journey map with your team. This will help you define the parameters you will need to measure.
  3. Monitor the parameters that you have defined in the previous step and collect user data. You can use basic analytics tools like GA4 to collect visitor’s data and an in-depth tracking tool like Webmaxy to collect behavioral data.

Day 2: Understand your customer

  1. Get your team together and present them the data with the scope of the customer journey map that you are aiming to build or improve.
  2. Use an empathy map canvas to get detailed and actionable feedback from your team members which will help you build/improve the user journey map.
  3. Take observations from the empathy map canvas and put them into a customer journey template. Modify the x-axis of the template so it fits your current use case.

Day 2.5: Finalize your actions

  1. Digitize the customer journey map and share it with relevant members of the organization.
  2. Decide workflow improvements to be adopted in terms of methodology, tactic, strategy, or tools for the areas of improvement.

You can repeat the tasks of the last half day to make customer journey mapping an integral process of your organization.

Now, let’s take a look at how you can collect the user data that will help you build the customer journey map.

How Webmaxy Helps You Create A Customer Journey Map

Webmaxy is a user tracking tool that helps you collect user behavior data. The insights gained from that data will help you figure out what your target audience wants in terms of content and web experience helping you build an accurate customer journey map.

Here are the three insights you can gather with a customer journey mapping tool like Webmaxy.

1. Where the visitors click

When you get visitors to your website via any marketing method, they need to click on the buttons and links that you want them to. This will help them discover content that will be useful to them, become leads, or make a purchase.

Heatmaps are a graphical representation of where your users click when they land on your site. Go to Analyze>Heatmap and click on the “Create a heatmap” button at the top right. Fill in the details and let Webmaxy collect data for some time.


Then, you can click on the red play button to see the heatmap.


You can modify the range of dates at the top-right and the device at the top center. This will help you find out the interests of your target audience so that you can create a better user journey map.

2. What the visitors do

The scroll speed, the movement of the mouse pointer, the segment of a post where the reader spends the most time, etc., tell you how engaging your content is and whether it is having the desired effect on your audience.

Webmaxy provides an easy solution to track all of that. By recording the live sessions of your visitors, you will get a clear idea about the effectiveness of your content and onsite experience.

Go to Analyze>Sessions to view the session recordings of your visitors.


You will also find details like the location of the visitor, the session duration, and the device details from which they visited your website. To view the recordings you need to click on the red play buttons.


You can create notes to record the areas of improvement for better customer journey mapping as you watch the visitor’s session

3. Testing existing and conversion funnels

Suppose a prospect lands on one of your blog posts. For them to become a lead, you would want them to submit the form on one of your landing pages so that you can nurture them.

The sequence of desirable steps that you want your prospect to take so that they become a lead is called a conversion funnel which is the heart of a customer journey map.

If you have existing funnels or are testing new ones, you can test how efficient they are with Webmaxy. By tracking the churn at each step of the funnel, you can identify the areas of improvement which will improve your user journey map.

To create funnels in Webmaxy and track their efficiencies, go to Analyze>Funnels in the left menu bar.


4. Feedback from your visitors

The final piece of data this customer journey mapping tool helps you to collect is how you are perceived by your visitors and customers. You can set up a survey with Webmaxy in minutes.

Go to Engage>Surveys and click on “Create a new survey” at the top right corner. You can either get started with a template or build from scratch.


We recommend that you start with a template. Webmaxy has hundreds of templates for lots of use cases


After choosing a template, set the questions and options for each.


After that, you can choose when you need to deploy it.


Summing up

Customer journey mapping is crucial as it helps organizations improve their services while saving resources. You can build a customer journey map in two and a half days:

  • Define the scope and collect data
  • Get your team’s feedback and build the map
  • Identify areas of improvements and act

Webmaxy helps you collect all the useful data you will need to make your customer journey mapping process accurate. Create a free account now and uncover deep insights about your audience.

WebMaxy helps brands discover user experience with a set of tools like heatmap, visitor analytics, web survey and many more. Sign up with email. Free trials forever.

Customer journey map FAQ’s

How do you create a customer journey map example?

Creating a customer journey map can help you to see the buying journey from the customers’ perspective. You can create a customer journey map by following these steps:
– Set clear objectives
– Create customer profiles 
– List the touchpoints 
– Make required changes

What is customer journey mapping and why is it important?

Customer journey mapping is the process of making a customer journey map. It is the visual representation of how a customer interacted with your business till when they actually became your paying customer. There are many benefits of customer journey mapping that we have mentioned below. 
– Understand your customers better 
– Create customer-centric strategies 
– Improve your product or service 
– Enhance customer experience

What is the difference between a customer journey map and an experience map?

A customer journey map is a graphical representation of the stages a customer goes through when interacting with a company during their buying journey. An experience map is more specific and focused on understanding general human behavior. Also, it is not based on a specific product or service.

Adam Wilson

Adam Wilson comes with an experience of 12+ years in the IT industry. As a Customer Success Manager, he has been researching and trying to understand the customers’ behavior in different scenarios. He has also studied human psychology to relate it to the purchase journey of the customers. His published books on customer psychology and behavior have received many honors and awards from various enterprises.

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