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How long does WebMaxy keep my data?

Manual Heatmaps are being retired and replaced by Continuous Heatmaps. #

Manual Heatmaps are not available in accounts created after February 28, 2022 and we will begin fully retiring Manual Heatmaps for all Webmaxy accounts from April 25, 2022. When Manual Heatmaps are retired, historical Manual Heatmap data will no longer be available. The data retention period for Manual Heatmaps will also not apply.

Visit our Moving from Manual to Continuous Heatmaps article for guidance on how to export your Manual Heatmaps and to learn how Continuous Heatmaps give you more relevant, higher-quality insights, in less time.

Our Recent Team Activity feed and analytics tools, such as Recordings and Continuous Heatmaps, retain data for 365 days from the date of capture. This applies to all accounts and plans.

After 365 days, our automatic deletion process will begin. Data will be deleted from WebMaxy servers, including backups, and cannot be retrieved. Deletion includes the entire report and not just the data collected. See the table below for a breakdown of the tools and data retention periods:

WebMaxy tool How long the data is kept
Recent Team Activity 365 days starting the date of capture
Recordings 365 days starting the date of capture
Continuous Heatmaps 365 days starting the date of capture
Manual Heatmaps Manual Heatmaps are being fully retired from April 25, 2022 with all data being removed. Given this retirement, data retention does not apply to Manual Heatmaps.
Survey and Feedback WebMaxy does not automatically delete data for Surveys and Feedback. They can only be deleted manually by an admin in your organization.
Highlights WebMaxy does not automatically delete Highlights. However, if a user does a User Lookup and locates a recording with Highlights and deletes that recording, then the Highlight will also be deleted.

User Attributes data works slightly differently. All user attributes will be deleted once the associated users have not visited your site for a set period of time.

  • Identified users (who have a user ID) will be deleted after 365 days assuming they have not visited your site in that time period.
  • Anonymous users (who do not have a user ID) will be deleted after 3 months.

Deleting Recordings will result in lost Continuous Heatmaps data #

Continuous Heatmaps rely on Recordings data in order to generate heatmaps on demand. This means that if you delete one or more recordings, the deleted session data will no longer appear in Continuous Heatmaps.

Data Retention Policy FAQs #

Common questions about our data retention policy:

What happens if I delete collected data? #

Once you delete data collected by any of WebMaxy’s tools, such as Heatmaps, Recordings, Surveys, etc., WebMaxy starts an automated deletion process. This process takes up to 30 days in total and all data is hard deleted. As soon as you opt to delete the data, the process starts and the data is not retrievable.

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What happens if I delete my account? #

Once you delete a Site, Organization, or Account, WebMaxy starts an automated deletion process. This process starts with a soft deletion which can take up to 7 days, from that point on, a hard deletion occurs and removes all of the data stored within your Site, Organization or Account. This process takes a total of 30 days to complete.

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Do you have backups of my data? #

After a completed cycle of the deletion process described above, all backups will have no trace of data you have collected, Site, Organization or Account information.

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Adam Wilson #

Adam Wilson comes with an experience of 12+ years in the IT industry. As a Customer Success Manager, he has been researching and trying to understand the customers’ behavior in different scenarios. He has also studied human psychology to relate it to the purchase journey of the customers. His published books on customer psychology and behavior have received many honors and awards from various enterprises.

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