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The Effect of California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and WebMaxy

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), can be described as a privacy-centric bill aimed toward protecting the privacy of California’s consumers and it is effective for the users from January 1, 2020.

How CCPA Impacts WebMaxy and its Users? #

For all the WebMaxy customers, under the new CCPA you’re described as the ‘business’ and WebMaxy as a ‘service provider’. As such, we at WebMaxy are accountable for processing the data that our services captures on your website and is saved on our servers. As mentioned in our Privacy Policy, we do not sell personal data of the customers to the third party companies

Read WebMaxy CCPA Campliance #

Because of the various product and process upgrades we have started preparation for the 2018 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), additionally since the CCPA have been signed we are already well-placed to aid clients wanting to comply.

However, the CCPA isn’t work as the GDPR. To ensure we’d be prepared and to finalize our preparations, we contracted a California based law firm to review our set process and controls and propose any relevant and required upgrades. The key takeaway of this engagement have been refinements to those documents:

Terms of Service

Privacy Policy

Data Processing Agreement (DPA)

As WebMaxy customer, do you meet the primary necessities of the CCPA? #

The CCPA is a massive piece of rules and covers many subjects that haven’t any direct effect or tie together along with your use of WebMaxy. However, there are regions of the CCPA in which your clients would possibly have rights that relate to your use of WebMaxy. We’ve consolidated brief notes on their rights and the way WebMaxy may be utilised in a way that helps you in servicing them below.

  • Privacy Policy and Notice #

Under the CCPA, companies and businesses should upgrade their privacy notices to clearly mention what data is collected, categorise and label the data collected, give an explanation for the reason for the data use, become aware of 3rd parties with which that data is shared, and communicate the rights of the individual.

The lawful disclosure and consent have usually been a part of WebMaxy Terms of services

We recommend you to carry out a complete evaluation of your company’s terms of services and privacy policy to make sure you meet the CCPA’s necessities and, if necessary, divulge using WebMaxy.

With the help of external counsel, we’ve evolved precise language you may pick to leverage.

  • Personal Details taken from the website #

Under the CCPA, California clients may also have the right to request and acquire a listing of private information and further information a business collects (or has collected), in addition to the intended business use for collecting this data.

The consumer can also be authorised to request that any precise personal information be deleted. With the exception of few specific data (e.g. billing or regulatory required compliance data), those deletion requests should be fulfilled via means of you, the business.

Our people have developed a function referred to as Visitor Lookup to aid you in responding to those forms of requests. You can use visitor lookup information  to look for precise data elements (generally, an email address) to find a consumer; you could then use any data  retrieved through Visitor Lookup with the consumer and, in the event that they desire, delete it effortlessly—making sure you, as a WebMaxy customer, follow those requests in a set off and lawful way.

  • Details of IP addresses #

Under CCPA, an IP address can be taken into consideration as private data if it is able to identify a household.

WebMaxy default conduct is that IP addresses of site visitors are usually suppressed earlier than being saved to disk on our servers using WebMaxy’s core feature set. We set the final octet of IPv4 addresses (all connections to WebMaxy are made through IPv4) to zero to make sure the full IP address is by no means written to disk. For example, if a visitor’s IP address is, it’ll be saved as The first 3 octets of the IP address are best used to decide the geographic area of the visitor.

Note: IP addresses can optionally be surpassed to WebMaxy as a User Attribute. If you, as a WebMaxy customer, want to pass IP addresses to WebMaxy through the Identify API, IP addresses can be saved and is probably taken into consideration Personal Information under CCPA. Use of the Identify API is elective in WebMaxy: the function isn’t always enabled via way of means of default and it is able to be used without passing IP addresses to our servers.

We understand the user privacy and their customers’ privacy are excessive important for WebMaxy. We’ve constructed tools to make it easy for you to deal with the necessities and compliance with the ever-evolving privacy laws—however when you have any questions on the subject of these matter, please connect to us at

Disclaimer: WebMaxy helps it customers with the business process however we can’t come up with legal advice. The data on this page is intended to help readers know more about the CCPA and help, our customers know how this is utilised by us. We advise you to work with with a dependent legal partner to completely apprehend your responsibilities covered under the CCPA.

Adam Wilson #

Adam Wilson comes with an experience of 12+ years in the IT industry. As a Customer Success Manager, he has been researching and trying to understand the customers’ behavior in different scenarios. He has also studied human psychology to relate it to the purchase journey of the customers. His published books on customer psychology and behavior have received many honors and awards from various enterprises.

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