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The benefits of marketing automation: Saving time & money


Marketing automation can help you automate the tasks that otherwise would have been done by people. The marketing automation process makes it easy to carry out repetitive and time-consuming marketing tasks without human intervention. Keep reading the blog as we will define marketing automation and the benefits of marketing automation in detail.

What you’ll learn from this blog?

What is marketing automation? 

Marketing automation definition: Marketing automation software helps automate marketing processes that are monotonous & repetitive and that are otherwise done by people. With automation marketing, you can automate tasks such as social media posting, email marketing, and ad campaigns. Automation in marketing can help you provide a personalized experience to customers. 

Marketing automation technology can work best for you if you have a defined audience and marketing strategy. You just need to put it in place and then you can easily nurture and acquire new customers. For example, with a marketing automation system, you can determine which marketing campaign is performing the best. 

Apart from email marketing automation, with automated marketing, you can manage SMS and Whatsapp messages. You can ensure that you stay connected with your customers at each stage of the buying journey. Marketing automation software can help you to collect customer data that you can use to improve your marketing efforts. 

You can start by understanding customer behavior patterns and create marketing automation workflows accordingly. For example, you can send them birthday special offer emails and messages. 

As you know that marketing consists of many repetitive and tedious tasks. For example, sending people messages regarding the season sale and offers. For doing these small tasks, marketers need to spend a lot of time. Marketing automation can help to perform these tasks effectively and efficiently. 

Automated marketing can save the time of marketers which they can utilize to do other important tasks. Marketing automation software can help you complete marketing tasks and execute campaigns across distinct channels at scheduled intervals based on the decided workflow. 

You can use marketing automation to personalize the experience of people based on their actions, preferences, purchase activity, etc. When you automate your marketing based on customer actions, it makes them feel that you have crafted marketing messages, especially for them. This will help to build their trust in your brand. 

Marketing automation can help you to increase customer retention and loyalty. As per the statistics, marketers report a 451% increase in qualified leads after using marketing automation software. 

Benefits of marketing automation 

Marketing automation can help to eliminate human errors and achieve better results. There are many marketing automation benefits that we have mentioned below. 

1. Helps you bring personalization


As a business, you might have a lot of customers to target. This makes it difficult to create personalized experiences. By doing marketing automation you can make sure that you never miss their birthday, anniversary, or special event. You can make sure that you never miss connecting with customers on a personal level. This can aid you in making customers believe that they are important to you.

Marketing automation can help you make your interactions personalized. You can make your customers feel special by providing good customer experiences. According to a 2018 report, 80% of customers are more likely to purchase from brands that provide personalized and relevant experiences. 

Personalization can also help to increase customer loyalty. As per a 2017 survey, 44% of customers said that personalized interactions entice them to shop from a brand again. Customers like it when brands treat them as an individual rather than considering them like their entire target market. 

2. Lets you build the right strategies 


Most often marketers think that just reaching out to customers repeatedly is enough. However, more than reaching out to customers it’s important to interact with them at the right time. Many brands use email campaigns and send pre-designed emails to customers at intervals. 

But with marketing automation, marketers can build workflows with a mix of marketing channels. Webmaxy eGrowth marketing automation feature lets you create workflows with 

Emails, SMS, and Whatsapp messages. You can even manage your audience based on their engagement and activity level.

 You can build strong customer relationships by delivering personalized messages to customers at the right time. Marketing automation can help you create different marketing campaigns for distinct audience segments based on their interests, behaviors, and actions. This will ensure that your marketing messages are relevant to customers. 

3. Lets your team focus on important tasks 


Digital marketing automation helps marketers to carry out marketing tasks quickly and effectively. You can automate manual and repetitive tasks that take up a lot of your time. This way you can focus on strategic and crucial tasks that can help you in improving customer retention and loyalty.

By implementing marketing automation, you can ease up the tasks of your team. Then, your team can focus on responding to customer queries and issues. Also, your marketing team can’t work 24x 7 but marketing automation can execute your tasks round the clock. 

4. Drives revenue growth 


Marketing automation can help you improve marketing performance and enhance customer experience. Automated marketing can help remove data silos between sales and marketing teams. It reduces the amount of investment that you need to put into different marketing channels. 

Marketing automation provides you with a greater capability to guide prospects throughout their buying journey. You can identify which marketing campaigns are driving results and make decisions accordingly. The analytics can also help you predict the revenue for your marketing efforts. 

5. Saves time and resources 


Marketing automation can help you save time and improve customer engagement. You can optimize your marketing efforts with workflow automation. You can send thoughtful messages to customers based on their personality type and recent actions. You can set different marketing workflows for distinct customer activities. This way you don’t always need to be on alert for keeping up with your marketing activities. 

How marketing automation works? 

Most businesses struggle to keep their customers engaged throughout the buying journey. Also, collecting data during marketing campaigns is a hectic task. Marketing automation software can help put your data to work by streamlining workflows. 

Most marketers think of marketing automation software as a middle-of-the-funnel tool. It can be used to nurture the leads and push them ahead in the sales funnel. However, just using automated email sequences will give prospects a discontinuous experience as they’ll be moving through marketing to sales and customer service

Therefore, it’s important to implement automated marketing strategies across the customer lifecycle. You should implement marketing automation thoughtfully to build long-term customer relationships. 

Personalized workflows 

Your prospects’ actions can tell you a lot about their interest and buying journey stage. However, keeping track of their actions and executing marketing strategies accordingly is a difficult task. Marketing automation software can help you keep track of customers’ activities across different channels and deliver the right content at the right time. 

You can create personalized workflows for customers who take different actions. Think of the right marketing messages to nurture and push leads ahead in the journey. This way you can engage with customers with relevant messages based on their actions. You can create personalized workflows for your website visitors, first-time buyers and repeat customers. 

Streamlined processes 

With marketing automation, you can streamline processes that work across different teams so as to reduce customer effort. You can create a connected customer experience by automating marketing processes from the first touch point to the final purchase.

Also, you don’t need to manage and store data manually as everything is saved automatically to your central data storage and workflows. This ensures that automated tasks are carried out when pre-defined actions are taken by the customers.

How does marketing automation improve customer experience? 


Marketing automation not only helps to ease up your business processes but enhances customer experience as well. As you know customers are bombarded with information on digital platforms which makes it difficult for them to find answers to their questions. Often, they have a disjointed experience with a brand when they move from team to team and across different marketing channels. Marketing automation can reduce the gaps between teams, gather complete data, and prioritize important tasks. 

1. Present relevant content to customers 

Marketing automation can help you manage the content that you put in front of customers. You can create buyer personas and use behavioral targeting with marketing automation to deliver relevant information to each prospect and customer. Nowadays, customers’ attention span is short and marketing automations helps to cut through the chase. It collects data related to the customers and starts executing tasks with the right content at the right time. 

2. Provide answers faster 

Marketing automation helps businesses in providing answers to customers quickly. As the CRM store behavioral data, it aids the employees in providing relevant help to customers without investigating too much. By understanding the customers’ purchase history, you can automate responses and provide product recommendations & offers accordingly. 

3. Seamless omnichannel experience 

Marketing automation helps to provide a seamless omnichannel experience to customers. Marketing automation software collects & store data and offer customers personalized experiences with targeted messaging that meet their needs. With marketing automations, the customers get the same experience no matter on whichever channel they connect with you.

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How to do marketing automation with WebMaxy eGrowth? 


Marketing automation helps you utilize your marketing channels consistently and efficiently. It helps to perform tedious and repetitive tasks that can save you time which you can utilize in other important tasks. 

Marketing automation depends on the information you gather from customers like when a customer subscribes to your email list, clicks on the store, or buys from your online store. With Webmaxy, you can get your customer contact data in one place and see your target audience as a whole. 

In the audience segmentation feature, you can create different audience segments based on customers’ attributes or recent actions. Then, in the marketing automation of Webmaxy eGrowth, you can create workflows with easy graphs that will guide customers throughout their journey. 

When it comes to marketing with marketing automation there are certain points that you must keep in your mind. 

  • What marketing messages would be relevant to customers at their buying journey stage?
  • Which audience segment you want to target?
  • Which customer actions should trigger the workflow activation?

By determining the answers to these questions you can ensure that you engage with your prospects effectively and lead them to convert. 

Best practices for marketing automation 


To utilize marketing automation effectively, it’s crucial that you set it up perfectly. In this section, we will tell you the best practices that you can implement for marketing automation

1. Set the right goals 

Before starting with marketing automation, look at your existing marketing strategies and decide what goals you want to achieve with automation. This way you will be clearly able to track and measure your marketing automation progress. You can check out marketing automation workflows to get an idea about how to start with marketing automation

2. Segment your audience appropriately 

You can get the most out of marketing automation by making it as targeted as possible. You should first start with creating buyer personas for your products or services. By segmenting your target audience, you can focus on each segment with relevant content. 

For example, if you have products for young-aged people then you can do segmentation based on demographic. If you provide services and want to target the decision-makers. In this case, you’ll do segmentation based on people’s job roles.

3. Create a workflow 

Marketing automation is all about deciding with what action will people enter the workflow and how they will move forward. With Webmaxy eGrowth, you can easily create marketing automation workflows with graphs for different customer actions such as when they subscribe to your newsletter, purchase a product, etc. 

You can create different workflows for like when a customer interacts with your welcome email, when a customer abandons the cart, and when a customer repurchases from you. The aim of marketing automation is to keep customers engaged and enhance their experience. 

4. Test how your marketing automation is working 

You can carry out A/B testing with marketing automation to find out what subject lines, images, and messaging work best for you. Try to use targeted messaging to make it resonate with your audience and to reap the best results. If your marketing campaigns aren’t working then you can use customer information to put forth the best marketing efforts. See which campaigns are successful and optimize your future campaigns accordingly. 

The conclusion 

Marketing automation can help businesses in several ways as we have discussed above. You just need to set the right goals, craft tailored messaging and create workflows for the right time. By reaching out to your customers at the right time with relevant messaging you can create long-lasting relationships. 

Webmaxy eGrowth is a marketing automation tool that can help you create the best marketing workflows with easy graphs. It comes with many features like a KPI dashboard, marketing insights, audience segmentation, social campaigns, email marketing, Whatsapp marketing, customer loyalty, help desk, and retargeting. 

Schedule a call with our experts to learn more about Webmaxy eGrowth or email us at

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Marketing automation can help you enhance customer experience and loyalty.

Marketing automation FAQs

What is marketing automation software?

Marketing automation software lets you automate your marketing processes and improve customer experience. It includes audience segmentation, behavioral analysis, and campaign management. Marketing automation software can help save the time of marketers which they can utilize in other crucial tasks.

What are marketing automation tools?

Marketing automation tools can help you streamline your marketing processes and improve customer retention. There are various marketing automation tools available in the market, we have mentioned some of them below. 
– Webmaxy eGrowth 
– Hubspot 
– Mailchimp 
– Marketo 

What is a marketing automation platform?

A marketing automation platform lets you automate your marketing processes and increase efficiency. Webmaxy eGrowth is a marketing automation platform that can help you create automated marketing workflows for different customer actions like welcome emails, abandoned carts, re-engagement, etc. 

Why use marketing automation?

Marketing automation can help you manage and handle your marketing tasks efficiently without human intervention. There are many automating marketing benefits that we have mentioned here. 
– Helps bring personalization 
– Saves time & resources 
– Provide relevant content to customers 
– Enhances customer experience

What is marketing automation examples?

Marketing automation can be implemented in different ways for distinct business processes. Here, we have mentioned some of the best marketing automation examples for your reference. 
– Onboarding emails 
– Cold outreach 
– Abandoned cart 
– Re-engagement campaigns

How does marketing automation work?

Marketing automation can help you manage and execute your marketing processes easily across multiple marketing channels. With marketing automation, you can target your customers with personalized messages based on their attributes, behavioral traits, or recent actions. You can use marketing automation tools like WebMaxy eGrowth, Hubspot, Mailchimp, etc to streamline your marketing processes.

Adam Wilson

Adam Wilson comes with an experience of 12+ years in the IT industry. As a Customer Success Manager, he has been researching and trying to understand the customers’ behavior in different scenarios. He has also studied human psychology to relate it to the purchase journey of the customers. His published books on customer psychology and behavior have received many honors and awards from various enterprises.

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