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Hotjar vs FullStory: A detailed comparison (2023) 


Which one to choose?

Nowadays, there are many user behavior analytics tools in the market. In case you are confused about which one to choose among the top user insights tool, then you are at the right place. Here, we will help you to choose the best one among Hotjar vs Fullstory vs WebMaxy.

First, let’s start with understanding why you need a user behavior analytic tool. It has many benefits that we have given below.

  • It can help you understand ‘why’ your users behave the way they do.
  • You can find the cause of high drop-off rates on your web pages.
  • It can aid you in making the right changes to your website
  • You can get user insights using which you can improve your UX.

Hotjar, Fullstory, and Webmaxy are the best user behavior analytics tools that can help you improve your conversion rate. These tools can help you go ahead of your traditional analytics tool. However, there are many differences in how these tools work and the features they provide.

In this blog, we will give you all the information that you need about Hotjar vs Fullstory vs WebMaxy.

Brief History of Hotjar vs Fullstory vs WebMaxy



Hotjar was started in the year 2014 by five co-founders with the aim of transforming the process of analytics and feedback. Their CEO David Darmanin had been working in the conversion optimization industry for a long. He used several tools to understand user behavior but never found an apt tool. Therefore, he came up with the idea of creating software that is easily accessible and affordable.



FullStory was established in the year 2012 by a team of ex-Google engineers. It is headquartered in Atlanta, GA, and has raised funding of $59.2 million. This team at first launched an entirely different product, and they wanted to know the response of their customers to it. For this purpose, they came up with the idea of creating software. They developed an easy-to-use digital platform that could help businesses to understand their customer experience.



WebMaxy was launched in the year 2022 by Anand Mahajan. The aim was to offer an all-inclusive advanced user behavior analytical tool at a cost-effective rate. There were already many customer behavior analysis platforms in the market, but none of them was available at an affordable price. We wanted to provide the best tool with the right features that businesses need in order to understand their customers. Additionally, we focused on creating a digital platform that is easy to use for anyone.

How Webmaxy gives you the accurate insights that you need for creating the best user experiences?

Hotjar vs FullStory vs WebMaxy, all these tools can help you provide customer behavior insights. These platforms have different features, like session recordings, heat maps, and funnel views. But WebMaxy Analyzer provides you with a 360-degree view of your customers. Instead of just relying on insights, WebMaxy lets you gather user feedback through surveys and feedback forms. You can use the user feedback to make significant changes to your strategy.

You can use Google Analytics along with WebMaxy Analyzer to know what’s happening on your website and why it’s happening. With WebMaxy, you can know how your users experience your site and what they experience

Experience your website from users’ perspective

WebMaxy enables you to see the visual representations of your user behavior on your website through heatmaps. Website heat maps are a feature of Hotjar, Fullstory, and WebMaxy.


Lets you see where your users have clicked or scrolled on the website. You can know what elements of your website are getting users’ attention. Do they see the important elements and interact with them?


Heatmaps can help you know the answers to such questions. You can infer what you need to change about the design and how you can place the content to get users’ attention faster.


Allow you to see how an individual user interacts and engages with your website. You can see where they are getting stuck and from where they close your site. The session recordings feature is available in Hotjar, Fullstory, and WebMaxy.


However, when we are watching session recordings and heatmaps, we can only make assumptions. We can just guess why the user behaved the certain way they did. But to know exactly why the user behaved the way they did, WebMaxy can help you.

Know why your users behave the way they do?

Supposedly, you have started using one of these tools to watch session recordings and view heatmaps. You get to know that users on your homepage scroll down, click here & there, and exit your website. You might get confused and try different things but can’t spot the exact reason for this happening.

WebMaxy Analyzer can help you get direct feedback from your users. By using the survey and feedback feature, you can know from your users what they need, want, and expect.

On-page surveys

It is like the pop-ups on the website that comes with a set of questions for the users. You can ask them questions like:

  • How was your website experience?
  • What do you think needs improvement?
  • Did you find what you were looking for today?

Answers to these questions from your users can help you make major changes to your site. This way, you can improve your user experience and achieve a higher conversion rate.

Feedback forms

You must have often seen a widget coming to the side of the webpage. These widgets have like small emojis or stars, selecting which you can share your feedback about the page.


Users’ feedback can aid you in knowing if you are going in the right direction. You can know if people like the user interface and experience of your website.


You must take the feedback of the users once they have signed up or completed a purchase. Post-purchase surveys are usually longer, and you can know if users are satisfied with their experience. Based on their feedback, you can recognize the areas of improvement.


Taking feedback from users, along with session recordings and heatmaps, can help you to conduct user behavior analysis intensively. WebMaxy Analyzer provides you with all these session recordings, heatmaps, surveys, and feedback features.

5 major reasons to choose WebMaxy Analyzer

In this section, we will tell you why you must choose WebMaxy Analyzer over Hotjar vs Fullstory.


1. Go beyond traditional web analytics or GA data

You can use WebMaxy Analyzer with Google Analytics to better comprehend your users. Google Analytics will let you know the different website metrics, like page visits, exit rates, and time spent.

From WebMaxy Analyzer, you can know what users were exactly doing on your website. You can see their mouse movements, elements they have clicked, and till where they have scrolled down.

You can see which pages have a high bounce rate and then check their session recordings. By doing this, you can identify the issues of your website, like perplexing design, website bugs, and broken links.

2. Get accurate insights directly from the users

Most of our clients love watching session recordings and viewing website heatmaps because it lets them see how users see and experience their website. Sometimes, you might watch the session recordings & heatmaps and discover there’s an important section or CTA that’s getting ignored by the users. However, you can’t find the appropriate reason for that happening.

WebMaxy survey feature is the best way to question your users and ask them what’s going wrong & what’s stopping them from converting. Direct feedback from users can help you to make the relevant changes. By utilizing quantitative and qualitative data, you can improve your website UX and increase conversions.

3. Best for B2C businesses for creating outstanding user experiences

WebMaxy Analyzer is of great use for businesses in the ecommerce industry. You can know where your users are in the buying journey. By analyzing your users’ behavior patterns, you can create outstanding user experiences that deliver results.

WebMaxy Analyzer can help you gather relevant data and user insights for building robust strategies for selling online. You can target users based on their individual buying journeys to push them to the end of the funnel. This way, you will be able to drive more online sales and achieve a higher conversion rate.

4. Scalable with your business

Data storage is an issue with most of the tools, and as the data volume increases, so is the cost. Therefore, many startups and small businesses are not able to access these expensive tools. However, with WebMaxy Analyzer, this is not the case at all.

WebMaxy Analyzer offers a forever free plan which provides subscribers with a good amount of data and some core features. Once your free trial ends, you can switch to paid plans which come with advanced features. These plans are affordable compared to the Hotjar pricing and FullStory pricing.

5. Easy to install and use for anyone

One of the benefits of choosing WebMaxy Analyzer is its easy installation, you just have to add a snippet of code to the backend of your website. Once you have installed the code, WebMaxy Analyzer starts collecting data and user behavior insights for you. These data-driven insights can help you make the best UX strategies. By sharing insights with your team, you can quickly start working on the technical issues. We provide complete support and assistance to our subscribers.

Is WebMaxy Analyzer for you?

WebMaxy Analyzer is a user behavior analytics tool that can help you understand your users better and improve their experience. If you wonder why your users behave in a certain way and why they leave your site without taking action. Then, WebMaxy Analyzer can aid you in knowing the answers to these questions.

This tool comes with a range of features, such as session recordings, heatmaps, scroll maps, surveys & polls, funnel views, feedback forms, and advanced integrations. Schedule a call with our experts to learn more about WebMaxy Analyzer, or email us at

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We have the no. 1 online survey tool to get actionable user insight.


What is the difference between Hotjar and FullStory?

Hotjar vs FullStory, both are user behavior analytics tools. You can use them to understand your customers’ behavior patterns. FullStory can automatically record all user sessions and interactions on your site or app. However, Hotjar does not automatically track user interactions like clicks or text inputs.

What is the advantage of FullStory?

FullStory capability to auto-record all the user behavior data and session replay makes it a good user behavior analytics tool. FullStory makes sure that you get user insights without risking the end users’ data. It is very easy to use and deploy on the website.

Is Hotjar better than Google Analytics?

Hotjar is a user behavior analytics tool whereas Google Analytics is a web analytics tool. Hotjar can help you understand your customers’ behavior and patterns through session recordings, heatmaps, and surveys. Google Analytics can help you to gather website insights like page views, total user sessions, conversion & bounce rate.

How expensive is FullStory?

FullStory is a user behavior analytics tool and is quite expensive. It costs $300-$1000/month, depending on the number of team members, sessions, and data retention. It provides in-depth user insights that can help you to make significant UX changes.

Is Hotjar free to use?

Yes, Hotjar’s basic version is forever-free to use. With it, you can collect data of 35 website sessions per day. It automatically captures data and offers unlimited heat maps. However, if you want more features then you can take their paid plan which starts from $32/month.

Adam Wilson

Adam Wilson comes with an experience of 12+ years in the IT industry. As a Customer Success Manager, he has been researching and trying to understand the customers’ behavior in different scenarios. He has also studied human psychology to relate it to the purchase journey of the customers. His published books on customer psychology and behavior have received many honors and awards from various enterprises.

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