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Top 8 conversion rate optimization strategies


Marketers constantly need to buck with the latest technological trends and their business competitors. Just getting leads in the funnel is not enough for you to meet your quarterly business goals. A higher conversion rate, better ROI, and awesome user experience are few KPIs that can boost your business sustainability. For the sustainable growth of an enterprise, you must implement website conversion optimization.

Here, in this blog, we will discuss the top 8 conversion rate optimization best practices that can help you enhance your sales rate.

Now, let us first start with understanding conversion rate optimization

What is Conversion Rate Optimization?

what is conversion rate optimization

The process of improving your website experience in distinct ways to increase the inflow of leads is called Conversion Rate Optimization. CRO can be done in various ways, such as through content improvisation, A/B testing, and enhanced workflow. 

The main purpose of conversion rate optimization is to drive high-quality leads, boost revenue, and accomplish business objectives.

Related: Conversion rate optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization Strategies

Website conversion optimization is essential for capturing maximum leads and securing a high number of deals. 

In this section, we’ll look at the top conversion rate optimization strategies that you can execute for swift results. 

1. Add CTAs to the blog 

Many visitors land up on your page based on the text they see. You must try to make your content interesting and eye catchy with images and graphics. Once a visitor hits your website, you must give them all the relevant information and details.

Also, you should let them know about the services or solutions your business offers. Adding CTAs after your company information and at appropriate places on every page can help you get more prospects. 

CTAs are like an alert button, they compel people to take action and click on them. You can add CTAs like ‘Buy now’ or ‘Try free demo’, etc. These days people don’t read the content line to line. Therefore, it’s essential that you focus on making your content engaging and informative. 

Try to include CTAs in the headlines or sub-headings. So, whenever a visitor clicks on them, they are redirected to your landing page. 

2. Use visual content and graphics 

Attractive visuals can help you get the instant attention of your visitors and assist you in website conversion optimization.

Nowadays, buyers are smart and want in-depth information quickly. To resonate with this idea, you must use graphics and videos on your site. According to a study by WebFX, “Video can improve the conversion rate by 86%.” 

Just imagine you are surfing and you have found an interesting product. First, you might just have a look at its image and the details mentioned. But you might completely ignore a thousand-word blog written under it. 

Most B2B marketers are aware of the statistic that “One-minute video equals to eight million words.” Therefore, the execution of this tactic is vital to get more clients onboard and for website conversion optimization

3. Utilize lead flows

As per the experiment of HubSpot, “Lead flows achieved 192% higher click-through rate and 27% more submission than a regular CTA.” A lead flow is a popular conversion rate optimization component. You must have seen pop-ups and drop boxes coming when you are touring a website. 

Lead flows are the pop-ups and drop boxes that are added to the website to entice visitors with amazing offers or free stuff. You can get the immediate attention of prospective clients by using lead flows. Also, you can make them creative by adding different design elements.

There are various pages where you can add lead flows such as the homepage or blog page, etc. For enhancing your website conversion optimization, you must consider inculcating lead flows.

4. Do A/B testing on your landing pages  

Landing pages play an important role in conversion rate optimization. Most of the website visitors become the leads on a landing page.

When website visitors get engaged and interested in the content, they click on the CTA. These CTAs are redirected to a landing page.

website conversion optimization

According to a report by Tech crunch, “China expat health was able to increase their lead conversion rate by 79% using A/B testing.” To know the effectiveness of your landing page, you must carry out A/B testing. A/B testing can help you to know what your prospective customers prefer and want. 

For executing A/B testing, you can experiment with distinct designs, content offers, and form questions. You can then finalize the landing page based on the maximum engagement and higher submission rate. 

Related: A/B Testing

5. Build Automated workflows 

Enabling automation can help your team carry out tasks more efficiently. For website conversion optimization, you can utilize various marketing automation software tools. By using automation software, you can do distinct tasks like send bulk emails or schedule them, and get reminders for the follow-up of the clients.  

Not only this, automation software can assist you in many lead generation and nurturing activities. Developing an automated workflow will help your marketing and sales team to invest more time in closing deals. 

6. Use live chat software 

Want to attract your customers’ attention as soon as they land up on your page? 

Send them a Hi!

You can do this by utilizing live chat software. Live chat software can aid you in chatting with site visitors and offer real-time guidance. For conversion rate optimization, you must include live chat software in your strategy. You can also give prospects information like pricing and product details in real-time.

Using live chatbots can make your messaging more action based. For example, if a customer has spent two mins, a chatbot can come up with a question like, Do you have any doubts?

AI-powered chatbots can help save up the time of your sales personnel by answering the FAQs and common queries. 

7. Re-target your website visitors 

People who visit your website might not just visit it randomly, they might be interested in your offering. But what if they leave without securing a deal? No worries, you can redirect those visitors back into your funnel.

But how can you do it?

Re-targeting can assist you in your conversion rate optimization strategy. Re-targeting is about tracking your website visitors and catering them content as per their requirements. 

You can use user insights to know your target customers’ needs and wants. Webmaxy Analyzer can help you to record users’ online sessions and do in-depth analysis. This way you can get to know the different website elements that your user interacts with.

By analyzing data, you can create targeted ads and remind your prospects about the best services or solutions you provide.

8. Create an easy-to-navigate website 

For instance, if you visit a website and can’t find what you’re looking for, you’ll immediately shut the site. Similarly, in today’s fast-paced world, consumers want quick solutions. You can’t just make them wait around for anything.

You must focus on making your website user experience smoother and faster. The easier it is to navigate the website, the better it is for the users. For building an immersive experience, you must make the site navigation simple and effortless. 

By site navigation, we mean how the different web pages interact and are connected with each other.

As you begin navigating on a website, first comes the homepage. There you can see the different categories and subcategories. 

Some companies mention their best products or solutions on the first page. People click on the button if they find their desired product over there or keep on searching. 

For website conversion optimization, it’s crucial that your users are able to navigate easily. You must ensure that your website sections and CTAs are positioned appropriately. So that your customers get their required information in the fewest clicks. 

Wrapping It Up 

The conversion rate optimization strategy is aimed at optimizing the website for enhanced user experience and business conversion rates. However, to accomplish your conversion rate goals, you need to understand the real pain points of your customers. Taking a deeper dive into the real customer insights and analysis can aid you in planning the conversion optimization strategy more effectively. 

Webmaxy Analyser offers user behavior analytics with session recordings, heatmaps, funnels, forms, surveys, and polls. It utilizes qualitative data that can help you to know the gaps in your lead generation strategy.

Start your free demo of Webmaxy now to improve your funnel conversion rate. 

conversion rate optimization tool

Conversion rate optimization strategies FAQ’s

What is a CRO strategy?

A conversion rate optimization strategy helps to increase the inflow of leads and secure a high number of deals. It is a method focused on increasing the number of users who perform a desired action on your website. However, it also depends on what you consider a desired action.

What techniques would you use to improve conversion rates?

Conversion rate is an important metric for businesses. There are several techniques that you can use to improve conversion rate, such as:
– Build automated workflows 
– Use live chat software 
– Re-target your website visitors
– Do A/B testing on your landing pages

What is the best conversion strategy?

Most of the time, prospects come to your website but don’t end up becoming customers. However, implementing the best conversion strategy can help you to drive conversions. Some of the best conversion strategies are as follows:
– Curate good quality content
– Use attractive designs & images 
– Utilize multichannel strategy
– Do email marketing

How do I optimize my website for conversion?

The focus of a website is to get new customers and drive conversions. You can optimize your website for conversions as follows:
– Create an appealing website design 
– Simple and easy website navigation
– Publish informative blogs
– Have a good SEO strategy

What can help you analyze conversion optimization?

WebMaxy Analyzer can help you to analyze conversion optimization. You can watch session recordings to see how the website visitors are responding to the new changes. You can also conduct A/B testing to see the impact of the alterations you made.

Adam Wilson

Adam Wilson comes with an experience of 12+ years in the IT industry. As a Customer Success Manager, he has been researching and trying to understand the customers’ behavior in different scenarios. He has also studied human psychology to relate it to the purchase journey of the customers. His published books on customer psychology and behavior have received many honors and awards from various enterprises.

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